Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Menopause is not an illness

Menopause is not an illness

If you subscribe to the standpoint currently held by the conventional medical profession, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was. Women in many other cultures do not experience menopause as a crisis demanding medical intervention. Many of them simply do not suffer the physical and emotional symptoms that women in the West are programmed to accept as inevitable. In our society the focus of menopause is one of loss.

Women are programmed to dwell on loss - the loss of periods, the loss of the ability to create life, the loss of hormones, the problems of the 'emptynest' syndrome. In other societies this time in a woman's life is seen as one of gain, a time of great wisdom. It is a time when the emphasis shifts away from doing the chores and working to the role of lawmaker and counselor to younger couples. It is an opportunity to let maturity and experience make a significant and valuable contribution to the family and society.

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